“Grace is not new; it pre-exists the cosmos. It is what God resolved to give you in Christ Jesus. It was concealed in the old testament but is now made manifest in the incarnation, the epiphany of our Lord. His epiphany abolished death by completely taking it out of the equation; it freed us from the law of sin. There is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus, our Saviour. Our mode of existence is union with God. Not only is He in you, but you are also in Him. However, due to false knowledge, many are sin conscious. They have a mindset that puts them in a non-participation mode with God. The Lord is the same in all of us, nonetheless the way He manifests Himself in each person varies according to the state of the mind. The Lord wants to make you whole in your mind and body.

He is changing your mind about Him through His transformative gospel. For that transformation to occur within the frame of the mind, there must be a disposition. Christ came to bring light on life and immortality through the gospel. It is time for you to know who you are and what belongs to you. It is time to have an uncontaminated perception, to come together with God and say the same conclusion; to recognize that Christ Jesus in His resurrection has manifested life. Your body does not exist as your own. He is the minister over the Lord’s tabernacle that you are. The health of your body is a feature of His present-day ministry. Learn to discern the Lord’s body.” Dr. Shawn Smith (You are Made Whole).