Healing and Wholeness

Divine Healing

I stand to testify of God’s divine healing in my life. I came to this ministry suffering from allsorts of diseases: My daily prayer from that time changed. I started seeing my body carrying only good things,no more sickness. I stopped praying for journey mercy, binding every demon and Satan on theway and covering myself …

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Healing and Wholeness

Thanksgiving of Healing of a Loved One

I am thankful to God for the Man of God who teaches me so I can understand the Gospel.

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Stiff Neck

I am grateful to know that the Father knows us specifically and
administers his life to us, even when we seem not to pay attention.

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Healing and Wholeness

Guérison de mal de nerfs et de l’insensibilité Nerveuses

Je rends grâce à Dieu pour la série d’enseignements de l’Homme de Dieu, Dr Shawn Smith sur la foi
et l’entièreté dans laquelle il explique que l’éveil est la manifestation.

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Healing and Wholeness

Physically Raised from Death to Life

Man of God, your message brings dead people back to life. Dead
bodies like mine, are receiving life. I am looking forward to your coming.

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Mass in the Breast

When I got home, I told the mass, “Did you hear what my Father said? He has given
you 72hrs. So, I agree with my Father.”

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from Nerves and ligament pains after five years

I want to give thanks to God for the healing I received through a word of knowledge given bythe Man of God Prof. Shawn Smith. He identified several cases among which was thecondition I faced.For about five years, I had horrible headaches. I was unable to read because of theexcruciating pain. I sometimes felt I …

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Healing and Wholeness

Guérison divine et délivrance des dettes

J’ai invité ma petite sœur pendant le programme de «10 jours des Merveilles et de Prodiges ».
Elle a pu venir le jour de la clôture où l’Homme de Dieu avait oint d’huile toute la

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Stiff neck

Later that Sunday, I realized I had not massaged my neck. That was when I remembered that the
Man of God had prayed for someone with a stiff neck.

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Heart Condition

I wish to thank the Man and Woman of God for opening my eyes through the glorious gospelto become aware of who I am in Christ. I have come to understand that Christ is my perfectresponse to every situation. I may not even have the capacity to believe but Father has mademe to understand that …

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