Total Life Transformation

The Peace of the Gospel and Mind Transformation

My journey hasn’t been an easy one because of
what I was taught before. However, I am no longer where I was or who I was. A lot has
happened and the process continues.

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Total Life Transformation

Mind Transformation

He started preaching and said, “Jesus is in you”. I was surprised to hear that. I remained
standing for a while and an usher walked to me and requested that I take my sit.

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Total Life Transformation

Une Vie Totalement Transformée

Cet évangile est destiné à toutes nos sphères d’influence. J’ai d’ailleurs commencé à le partager avec
mes collègues.

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Promotion, Total Life Transformation

Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers

As the Man of God said, although we know that we have the victory, the
outcome still surprises us.

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The Fellowship, Total Life Transformation

Discerning the Shape and Form of God is Our Greatest Joy!

Thank you, Your Excellencies, for all the deposits. We are being prepared, just
like you have taught us, “preparation time is not wasted time”.

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Total Life Transformation

Renouvellement de La Pensée

Mon union avec Christ est indéfectible. Toutes mes pensées, mes paroles et mes actions sont
dirigées par Sa puissance et destinées à Sa gloire.

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Total Life Transformation

Thanksgiving for Mind Transformation

He said it was for someone specific. He said “Don’t
amplify pain, I will lead you through this mission.” I had been having severe pain on my
vertebral colon and it caused me a lot of discomfort.

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Total Life Transformation

Contemplative Prayer is Transforming every Domain of my Life

At a family level, I experienced a change in my relationship with my mother. We became
close and are now able to share the Gospel that I receive in this commission.

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Total Life Transformation

A Transformed Prayer life

I’ve had so many beautiful experiences of which I am grateful.

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Total Life Transformation

Assurance et Paix en Christ

Nous avons été fortifiés et affermis dans notre compréhension de l’immensité de l’Amour de Dieu pour nous.

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