Winning in Everything: As Within, So Without

Christ-Life Studies • Sermon Speaker: Dr Shawn Smith

We are all-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. Becoming aware of how you think is the beginning of spirituality. Authority is not about being in control

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Winning in Everything

Christ-Life Studies • Sermon Speaker: Dr Shawn Smith

Our inner dispositions influence our outward world. We need to become aware of our consciousness.

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Christ-Life Studies • Sermon Speaker: Dr Shawn & Annie SMITH

The picture of the “Abba” of Jesus is that of excess and not of lack. God is your source and He richly gives you everything to enjoy.

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Unfeigned Faith

Christ-Life Studies • Sermon Speaker: Dr. Annie SMITH

Faith is trust. It is about holding onto the loyal nature and character of Christ. It speaks of complete confidence in God’s commitment over His family of which we are members.

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