I am so grateful to God for the grace to attend this event. 2 Nights in the Glory is always a time of redirection for me as the man of God usually gives us the word of the year, which will guide us throughout the months ahead.

Last night, I was healed from a perforated intestine during the ministration. It is a condition I had for a very long time and had gotten used to the pain. During service, the Man of God mentioned my case through a Word of Knowledge and I received instant healing. I am so grateful to God for my healing.

The Man of God has declared 2022 as the Year of “Unshakable Kingdom”, I can’t wait to see what lies ahead of us. He admonished us to keep trusting the Lord for the months ahead. I am walking into this year with confidence because there is a word which has gone ahead.

Thank you man and woman of God for your ceaseless labour of Love.


Yaounde, Cameroon

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