I am gratitude to God for my parents in the Lord, Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith, for their
teachings and preaching which has metamorphosed me. I have unlearned, learnt and I’m
learning. Towards the last days of the one month of fasting which we had, I realised I had a
large mass on my right breast. The following Sunday, when the Man of God came, he
declared a word of knowledge saying: “There is somebody here with a mass and God says He
gives it 72 hours to disappear”. I placed my hand on my breast and felt a strange movement in
my body. When I got home, I told the mass, “Did you hear what my Father said? He has given
you 72hrs. So, I agree with my Father.” I had told my sister about the situation and she
advised we go to the hospital. I told her my Father said 72hrs so, l will wait. After a week, the
big mass obeyed the instruction and disappeared.
 My sister was surprised and she called my cousin to share the awe of God with her. I was so
overwhelmed and I am grateful to the Man and Woman of God for yielding themselves to the
Spirit of grace and for teaching us how to receive.

GCM Douala, Cameroon.

Last modified: January 4, 2024