Promotion, Total Life Transformation

Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers

As the Man of God said, although we know that we have the victory, the
outcome still surprises us.

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The Fellowship, Total Life Transformation

Discerning the Shape and Form of God is Our Greatest Joy!

Thank you, Your Excellencies, for all the deposits. We are being prepared, just
like you have taught us, “preparation time is not wasted time”.

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Total Life Transformation

Renouvellement de La Pensée

Mon union avec Christ est indéfectible. Toutes mes pensées, mes paroles et mes actions sont
dirigées par Sa puissance et destinées à Sa gloire.

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Je suis PAULE MPOUTH et je suis à GCM depuis la traversée qui nous a amené à PANTA EN PASIN.Depuis, ma vie n’a été que bénédiction, actions de Grâces et je rends Grâce à DIEU de nous avoir donnél’Homme de DIEU comme celui sur qui repose le message dans ce mandat. Je voudrais témoigner sur …

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Healing and Wholeness

Guérison de mal de nerfs et de l’insensibilité Nerveuses

Je rends grâce à Dieu pour la série d’enseignements de l’Homme de Dieu, Dr Shawn Smith sur la foi
et l’entièreté dans laquelle il explique que l’éveil est la manifestation.

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Healing and Wholeness

Physically Raised from Death to Life

Man of God, your message brings dead people back to life. Dead
bodies like mine, are receiving life. I am looking forward to your coming.

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Mass in the Breast

When I got home, I told the mass, “Did you hear what my Father said? He has given
you 72hrs. So, I agree with my Father.”

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Financial Open Door

The Word of God came to me saying, “Do not be worried for anything, and that, “I shouldn’t
doubt when affirming God’s goodness.”

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Total Life Transformation

Thanksgiving for Mind Transformation

He said it was for someone specific. He said “Don’t
amplify pain, I will lead you through this mission.” I had been having severe pain on my
vertebral colon and it caused me a lot of discomfort.

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from Nerves and ligament pains after five years

I want to give thanks to God for the healing I received through a word of knowledge given bythe Man of God Prof. Shawn Smith. He identified several cases among which was thecondition I faced.For about five years, I had horrible headaches. I was unable to read because of theexcruciating pain. I sometimes felt I …

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