Total Life Transformation

Contemplative Prayer is Transforming every Domain of my Life

At a family level, I experienced a change in my relationship with my mother. We became
close and are now able to share the Gospel that I receive in this commission.

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Healing and Wholeness

Guérison divine et délivrance des dettes

J’ai invité ma petite sœur pendant le programme de «10 jours des Merveilles et de Prodiges ».
Elle a pu venir le jour de la clôture où l’Homme de Dieu avait oint d’huile toute la

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Stiff neck

Later that Sunday, I realized I had not massaged my neck. That was when I remembered that the
Man of God had prayed for someone with a stiff neck.

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Total Life Transformation

A Transformed Prayer life

I’ve had so many beautiful experiences of which I am grateful.

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Divine Job Restitution and Financial Increase

I am grateful to God for giving us the most amazing parents in Christ. Last September, 2022 Ihad a crisis at work and my salary was reduced by 75%. We had been trusting God for arestitution ever since. On Sunday 4th June, 2023 the Woman of God declared that “peoplewho experienced a decrease, will be …

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Total Life Transformation

Assurance et Paix en Christ

Nous avons été fortifiés et affermis dans notre compréhension de l’immensité de l’Amour de Dieu pour nous.

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Total Life Transformation

Sound mind

“The Lord is your shepherd,
you will not listen to the stranger’s voice.”

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Healing and Wholeness

Healed from a Heart Condition

I wish to thank the Man and Woman of God for opening my eyes through the glorious gospelto become aware of who I am in Christ. I have come to understand that Christ is my perfectresponse to every situation. I may not even have the capacity to believe but Father has mademe to understand that …

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Un Ordre de Faveur Institutionnelle Etrange

Pendant le séminaire de Pâques 2022, notre père l’Apôtre Dr Shawn Smith nous avait donné
l’instruction d’écrire sur un bout de papier les choses pour lesquelles nous faisions confiance à Dieu et
que nous souhaitions voir se réaliser avant la Pâques 2023.

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Divine Preservation, Healing and Wholeness

Complete Healing from Gastritis

During the “Blessed with all
Blessings” service with the Woman of God, the Sunday before she travelled to South Africa, she
mentioned during her ministration that God is healing gastritis.

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