When I got home, I told the mass, “Did you hear what my Father said? He has given
you 72hrs. So, I agree with my Father.”
Healed from a Mass in the Breast
Financial Open Door
The Word of God came to me saying, “Do not be worried for anything, and that, “I shouldn’t
doubt when affirming God’s goodness.”
Thanksgiving for Mind Transformation
He said it was for someone specific. He said “Don’t
amplify pain, I will lead you through this mission.” I had been having severe pain on my
vertebral colon and it caused me a lot of discomfort.
Contemplative Prayer is Transforming every Domain of my Life
At a family level, I experienced a change in my relationship with my mother. We became
close and are now able to share the Gospel that I receive in this commission.
Guérison divine et délivrance des dettes
J’ai invité ma petite sœur pendant le programme de «10 jours des Merveilles et de Prodiges ».
Elle a pu venir le jour de la clôture où l’Homme de Dieu avait oint d’huile toute la
Healed from a Stiff neck
Later that Sunday, I realized I had not massaged my neck. That was when I remembered that the
Man of God had prayed for someone with a stiff neck.
Assurance et Paix en Christ
Nous avons été fortifiés et affermis dans notre compréhension de l’immensité de l’Amour de Dieu pour nous.